What Is ChatGPT and How To Use The 13 Best AI Chatbot Apps
Written by Andrew Lee
7 minute read
Looking to understand the latest AI (artificial intelligence) craze that is sweeping over the internet?
OpenAI's ChatGPT (and their recently announced ChatGPT 4) AI Chatbot has shocked the world this year and it’s clear that AI is here to stay.
If you’re already using ChatGPT or you have no idea what AI GPT chatbots are and how they can improve your life, this article is going to cover everything you need to know.
In this article we're going to go over:
What is ChatGPT?
The top 13 best ChatGPT AI apps for iPhone
Does ChatGPT have an official mobile app?
Is ChatGPT free to use?
How to fix ChatGPT errors
How ChatGPT works
What can you do with ChatGPT?
How to get the most out of AI and ChatGPT
ChatGPT History and Timeline
Who owns ChatGPT
What does GPT mean in ChatGPT?
What kind of AI is Chat GPT?
How long did it take ChatGPT to reach 1 million users?
5 days after OpenAI released ChatGPT, over 1 million users were on the platform.
To put this into perspective, here is a chart of all of the top tech companies in the world and how long it took each to get to over a million users:
How long did it take ChatGPT to get 100 million users?
ChatGPT reached over 100 million users after 2 months of being released.
Here’s a brief summary of some of the top tech companies and how long it took each one to reach over 100 million users:
What is ChatGPT?
ChatGPT is a highly intelligent artificial intelligence (AI) program that you can talk to and ask simple or complex questions and tasks.
The simple explanation:
ChatGPT is like Siri or Alexa but instead of having the tech turn off your lights or remind you to buy a new gallon of milk, Chat GPT can automate your day-to-day tasks and accomplish large human-like tasks.
ChatGPT is like having a personal assistant who can accomplish work you give it in seconds.
How to use ChatGPT
What are the best ways you can use ChatGPT?
1. Write essays for you
2. Write code for you
3. Translate text to other languages
4. Check your grammar and spelling
5. Rewrite paragraphs
6. Summarize text
7. Write marketing emails for you
8. Write social media captions
9. Write blog posts for your business
10. Generate business ideas
11. Brainstorm business name ideas
12 Optimize your blog post for SEO
13. Input a link to an article and have it scan and summarize the key points
14. Write legal documents for you
15. Write lease agreements
16. Explain complex ideas "Explain this like I'm 5"
What are the best ChatGPT Alternatives?
The best Chat GPT alternative that you should be using is the free KnowItAll AI Chatbot iPhone app.
Here’s what you need to know when comparing KnowItAll vs ChatGPT:
1. Not only does KnowItAll give better answers and can handle far more complex tasks
KnowItAll works exactly like ChatGPT (and even uses the same GPT 4 AI technology) but is able to process and handle information requests in a way that ChatGPT just can’t.
In fact, if you ask ChatGPT about itself vs KnowItAll, it will even admit this:
2. ChatGPT is expensive (especially for the quality of AI you receive)
ChatGPT is $240 a year and KnowItAll is only $40 a year (they are raising prices soon so be sure to get in on this quickly).
3. ChatGPT has extremely frequent technical issues
If you’re using ChatGPT for work throughout a full day, you’re going to be experiencing a number of errors and server capacity issues that block you from using the AI chat.
If you’re using Chat GPT for 5-10 minutes, it wouldn’t be uncommon for you to experience a number of rate limit issues and access due to the service not handling the tasks you’re giving it.
KnowItAll doesn’t have any of the annoying rate limits and server capacity issues that Chat GPT is plagued with.
4. ChatGPT isn’t a reliable source and can lie
Is ChatGPT reliable?
Most of the time.
Does the AI lie?
5. ChatGPT has quality control issues that KnowItAll doesn’t.
According to a study by researchers at Stanford and UC Berkeley, (and thousands of early ChatGPT users across various social media platforms), the quality of OpenAI’s ChatGPT tech has worsened since earlier from 2023.
The bottom line:
Download the KnowItAll AI Chatbot app for free on iPhone here to see the difference between these two ChatGPT apps firsthand.
Does ChatGPT have an official mobile app for iPhone or Android?
Yes, the official ChatGPT app (owned by OpenAI) is now available for iOS, Android, and also as a web app.
Download the official OpenAI ChatGPT iOS app and Android app here.
When did OpenAI release ChatGPT in the iOS App Store?
OpenAI launched their official ChatGPT iPhone app on May 18, 2023.
When did OpenAI release their ChatGPT Android App?
OpenAI launched their official ChatGPT Android app on July 25, 2023.
Here are the 13 the best Chat GPT apps for iPhone
3. Nova
4. Poe
5. Chat with Ask AI
6. ChatOn
7. Chat AI: Ask Chatbot Assistant
8. AI Chat - Assistant & Chatbot
9. Roboco
10. Chat AI Chatbot Assistant Plus
11. AI Chatbot: Open Chat AI
12. AI Chat - Chatbot AI Assistant
13. The Official OpenAI ChatGPT iPhone App
How can you access ChatGPT? (Chat GPT Log In):
If you’re looking how to get access to Chat GPT, you can either download one of the apps above (who all use the tech in their apps) or you can go here to the official OpenAI web app:
In order to use Chat GPT, you have to sign up with your email and phone number and create an account.
How to use ChatGPT without logging In
In order to use the official ChatGPT app, you have to sign up with your email address and phone number.
(KnowItAll doesn’t require an email address or phone number in order to use the app).
Why does OpenAI require a phone number to use ChatGPT?
OpenAI requires you to sign up to ChatGPT with a valid phone number and email address in order to verify that you’re a human (and not a robot or AI attacking their servers).
Important note:
OpenAI only allows you to create (2) ChatGPT accounts per phone number.
Who owns and runs ChatGPT and OpenAI?
The company who created ChatGPT is called OpenAI.
OpenAI was originally started in 2015 and was founded by Elon Musk, Sam Altman, Greg Brockman, Ilya Sutskever, John Schulman, and Wojciech Zaremba.
In 2019, Microsoft invested 1 billion dollars into OpenAI (which was their largest investment at the time).
In 2023, Microsoft invested 10 billion dollars into OpenAI for the exclusive rights and access to ChatGPT 4 so they could incorporate the new technology into their suite of different apps like Bing search.
Who is the CEO of OpenAI?
Sam Altman is the current CEO of OpenAI and has been the Chief Operating Officer for the company since 2019.
What does GPT mean in ChatGPT?
ChatGPT stands for Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT).
Is ChatGPT Free?
ChatGPT is completely free to use and requires you to sign up with your email address and personal phone number.
However, the free version of ChatGPT is only available when there isn’t a high amount of users on their servers all at once.
Is ChatGPT Plus Worth It?
OpenAI offers a paid version of ChatGPT called “ChatGPT Plus” but the vast majority of users agree that it’s not worth it (especially on Twitter and TikTok).
How to get the best responses from ChatGPT?
In order to get better results from ChatGPT, you need to make sure you’re asking questions in very specific and concise ways.
If you ask the AI chatbot a general question, it will do it’s best to give you a response.
However, if you ask a very specific question, with proper grammar, provide details on what you want the tone of the answers to be, how long you want the response to be, and what you are trying to get Chat GPT to accomplish, you’re going to get far better results.
What kind of AI is Chat GPT?
Here’s a simplified version of what kind of AI ChatGPT is and how it works:
*This article was originally published on May 6, 2023 and was updated February 7, 2025
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